I want to try a new tactic. That's not to criticize the current or past protests out there which have been effective (and I think Jubilee dept striking is wonderful), but I have an idea that would be different newsworthy and would put the spotlight on those who would rather hide their criminal actions.

     It's time we start visiting our tax dollars in person at the residences of the banksters who have made a fortune on the bailouts. There are many banking executives who are the 1% and who took gross profits and bonuses that should be in jail. Given that their homes and livelihoods are being paid for by the taxpayers dollar we have every right to go and enter their space to document their criminal greed. The masses are used to seeing massive police mobilizations to protect cities from our free speech but how will they feel when they see the same excessive policing at a private residence protecting a crime-boss who robbed them? This will make infamous the people who rightly deserve to be known and despised.

     This is still important, and not just sour grapes over the bailout because these leaders have guided the banks to foreclose on homes even after receiving a bailout. They are currently being handed free money by our government under the guise of 0% interest loans. These people are still at the head of a system that is robbing you, so let's visit and document their opulence. Let's claim their land as public, and hold our protests on their doorsteps. Let's foreclose on them. I think it's equally valid to go to the Washington insiders who have paved the way for systemic wealth extraction.

     When we say the 1% it's an opaque idea. At this point we've branded the 99% vs the 1% in the minds of the public, but we haven't yet introduced the 1% to the masses. Our scenario is currently devoid a villain (or in this case a cabal of villains) with faces and stories. we get a chance to introduce america to the plunderers who are at the heart of the collapse and we get to explain their misdeeds on an individual level

     Tactic wise I think this is a solid opportunity for small groups of protesters to do something effective. Even a small crew could go and film the estates and document the obscene wealth of these greedy criminals, and of course if a larger group wanted to they could hold much larger actions. I think it'd be amazing to hold a speak out about foreclosures, dept, and poverty at the residences of these 1%ers. the more research into the 1%er you do before visiting the better.